Powerful, multifaceted, 2D–5D software for visualization, processing, and analysis of microscopy imaging serving core imaging facilities

Core labs need to offer reliable, consistent, and simplified methods for clients who need to analyze a wide variety of challenging sample types using multimodal, multiscale imaging workflows. They need to offer state-of-the-art analytical tools that are easy to adopt into their current workflow offerings. They need to offer increased productivity to clients, including faster time to discovery of novel findings. And they need to do all this while ensuring a return on their investment.

Our adaptable software packages, service, and support options make complex visualization and analysis of image data faster and easier for a wide range of customers. We have combined our Thermo Scientific Amira-Avizo Software into a unified offering so your clients can quickly and easily access the widest range of software solutions for image data visualization and analysis for many techniques across multiple disciplines. We provide simple yet powerful workflows that, when coupled with automation, save your clients time by increasing their productivity and the reproducibility of their results, both of which promote faster time to discovery.

Imaging data

Confidence in results







Offer more

Core imaging facilities need to offer their clients more efficient visualization and analysis of imaging data. We make it possible to better serve a broad range of imaging visualization and analysis clients across multiple disciplines with the fewest additional products to license. Our solution is comprised of software and service options that can easily integrate with one another and into existing workflows. This provides a simpler, quicker way for your clients to complete their most complex tasks.

Wherever multidimensional data sets need to be processed, in life sciences, materials science, or natural sciences applications, Amira and Avizo Software offer abundant state-of-the-art image data processing, exploration, and analysis features within an intuitive workflow and easy-to-use graphical user interface.

You can rest assured that your facility and, thus, your clients will be working at peak performance thanks to our reliable service and support. Our training experts can help you create and customize efficient workflows, because workflow efficiency is critical to the success of core facility clients. Free, automatic software updates keep your facility at the cutting edge of technology advances. Our dedicated tech support also includes hotline access, so you are never on your own.

Heightened visibility

By ensuring that you maintain a leading-edge facility with the most advanced instruments and next-generation software solutions, you are empowering your clients to increase the number and quality of high-impact discoveries and publications.


This solution is built around an Amira and Avizo Software unified package to provide your clients with many specific applications from just one source. Your clients will not need to switch between multiple software applications on multiple instruments at multiple locations for their various imaging and analysis tasks.

This unified software package provides your clients with the widest range of high-performance, multimodal, multiscale visualization and analysis solutions. These solutions include advanced image segmentation techniques, powerful rendering, and materials properties and performance characterization tools. Additionally, automation increases throughput, which reduces your clients’ time to discovery. This same automation ensures reproducibility and traceability, which is becoming increasingly important in research.

Easy deployment

Rolling out such advanced software to your clients does not have to be difficult and time-consuming. Amira-Avizo Software acts as a “unified platform” with many specific applications available from just one source. There is no need to switch between multiple software applications. Our software tools are modular, flexible, dynamic, and scalable—and easy to deploy with dedicated training and tech support, so you can get clients up and running quickly.



Amira Software at EMBL and DKFZ

Amira Software helped Matthia A. Karreman, MSc, PhD, at EMBL and DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany, in her research project on multimodal correlative microscopy to efficiently target single tumor cells in vivo. The approach combined intravital microscopy, microscopic X-ray computed tomography, and three-dimensional electron microscopy.

Avizo Software at Manchester X-Ray Imaging Facility – interview of Tristan Lowe

Avizo Software at Manchester X-ray Imaging Facility

Tristan Lowe, Senior Experimental Officer at Manchester X-ray Imaging Facility, tells us why they are using Avizo Software. "A job which would take maybe a month to analyze a dataset can be done a lot quicker just using Avizo Software. [It] has all these automated methods and is reproducible so it doesn’t matter how many people take the same data set, as long as they have the same parameters, they will always get the same results. And in research, that consistency is a very important factor."



Amira 软件

  • 探索 2D-5D 生物成像数据
  • 识别和理解结构
  • 获取统计信息
  • 分享报告和精彩动画

Avizo 软件

  • 支持多数据/多视图、多通道、时间序列、超大数据
  • 先进的多模式 2D/3D 自动配准
  • 伪影消除算法

Avizo2D 软件

  • 支持多数据/多视图、多通道、时间序列、超大数据
  • 先进的多模式 2D/3D 自动配准
  • 伪影消除算法

Athena 软件

  • 确保图像、数据、元数据和实验工作流程的可追溯性
  • 简化您的成像工作流程
  • 促进协作
  • 保护和管理数据访问​

Try free-of-charge evaluation versions of our 2D/3D Visualization and Analysis Software. Evaluation versions include full access to our technical support and product experts. Trial versions come with fully functional licenses for 21 days.

Amira Software Trial Version

Avizo Software Trial Version

Avizo2D Software Trial Version




通过专门为 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件新用户设计的入门培训,缩短学习曲线,使投资收益最大化。

课程包括一个讲座及互动提问环节。培训材料重点讲述 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件的基本特点和功能。



通过专为 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件的现有用户设计的高级培训使投资收益最大化并缩短取得成果的时间。

课程包括一个讲座及互动提问环节。培训材料重点讲述 Amira、Avizo 和 PerGeos 软件的高级特点和功能。



赛默飞世尔科技在 3D 和图像处理方面拥有超过 25 年的经验,向众多小型和大型机构交付了数百个定制项目,可根据您的特定需求为您提供量身定制的解决方案。


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