








是的,我们提供ChargeSwitch 法医DNA纯化试剂盒。请点击 此处了解更多关于DNA提取的信息。

根据起始样品量和纯化方式的不同,我们专门设计了几种针对植物DNA提取的试剂盒。请点击此 链接了解我们目前供应的各种植物DNA提取试剂盒的特点。

我们推荐使用我们的PureLink基因组DNA小提试剂盒或ChargeSwitch 细菌基因组DNA小提试剂盒(货号CS11301),两款试剂盒均能够用于提取革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性的细菌样本。这种简易的单管操作方案无需离心或过滤步骤。请点击此处了解更多关于细菌DNA提取的信息。

我们推荐使用ChargeSwitch 口腔细胞基因组DNA试剂盒,这款产品专用于从口腔细胞样本中分离高品质的基因组DNA。同时我们也提供标准化试剂盒(normalized kits),确保用户针对不同样品分离所得的DNA浓度进行标准化处理。

我们为此提供了三种试剂盒:用于FFPE组织的RecoverAll™总核酸分离试剂盒,MagMAX™ FFPE总核酸分离试剂盒和MagMAX™ FFPE DNA分离试剂盒。请点击此处详细了解三种试剂盒的各自特点及差异。


  1. 组织获取和样本制备 - 在条件允许的情况下,组织应在外科切除下来后一小时内固定。使用中性福尔马林或多聚甲醛缓冲液固定的最佳时长为12-24小时。固定后的组织进入包埋程序之前,应彻底脱水。
  2. 组织块的储存 -在条件允许的情况下,储存的组织块尽量保证无切面。如果出现切面,氧气、水、光、以及外源感染(如真菌、昆虫等)等其他环境因素可能会造成组织块的进一步破坏。
  3. 用于DNA分离的组织类型、大小和数量 – 建议的组织厚度为10-20 µm。所用的切片数量取决于组织类型(决定细胞密度)和表面积大小(推荐大小:50-300 mm2)。过量的起始材料可能导致过滤柱堵塞,导致得率下降。
  4. 包埋组织时的过量石蜡 - 在条件允许的情况下,在纯化操作之前脱去组织样本上过多的石蜡。对于二甲苯纯化法而言,室温条件下的两次二甲苯处理通常能够彻底脱石蜡。必要情况下,可在更为强效的37–55°C条件下处理达30分钟。在二甲苯脱蜡操作完成后,须对沉淀物进行两次100%乙醇漂洗,再彻底去除100%乙醇。磁珠法采用全新的化学方法来处理石蜡,所选用的组织切片应在20 µm以内。



Yes. However, the yield from frozen blood is significantly lower than the yield from fresh blood.

The JetQuick Blood and Cell Culture DNA Maxiprep Kit can be used for blood samples >10 ml. The manual offers a protocol for the concentration of the sample first.

No. The JetQuick Blood and Cell Culture DNA Midiprep Kit and Maxiprep Kit are not validated for tissue samples.

Yes. However, the yield from frozen blood is significantly lower than the yield from fresh blood.

Trizol 试剂

苯酚相和中间相可于4°C条件下过夜储存。样本也可在清洗液(用10%的酒精配置的0.1 M柠檬酸钠)中储存至少几个小时。也可将样本重悬于75%的乙醇中,在4°C条件下储存数月。


DNAzol 试剂

DNAzol试剂可以用于组织、细胞或血液的DNA提取。DNAzol是一款包含了胍盐去垢剂的裂解液,能够选择性地沉淀细胞裂解液中的DNA。使用1 mL DNAzol试剂能够从50 mg组织或1x107至3x107个细胞中分离基因组DNA。DNAzol BD试剂专用于分离血液基因组DNA。使用1 mLDNAzol BD试剂能够从0.5 mL全血中分离基因组DNA。植物DNAzol试剂专用于分离植物基因组DNA。使用0.3 mL植物DNAzol试剂能够从0.1 g植物组织中分离基因组DNA。


如需降低/去除样本中的RNA量,请使用1 µg/mL RNase A处理基因组DNA。

无需进行胰酶消化。直接在10 cm2的培养皿中加入1 mL DNAzol试剂。前后摇晃平板,使DNAzol均匀覆盖培养皿。将裂解产物吸入离心管中,加入酒精用于沉淀基因组DNA。如果您希望用胰酶消化以便对细胞进行计数,请于胰酶消化之后离心得到用于DNA分离的细胞沉淀。完全吸去上清液后,向细胞沉淀中加入DNAzol试剂。吹打细胞3–4次以使其彻底裂解,然后进行离心。



GeneCatcherTM技术利用磁珠分离基因组DNA。它专用于从人类血液中提取基因组DNA,无需离心步骤。GeneCatcherTM试剂盒还专门进行了设计和优化,可使用自动化液体处理平台Tecan Freedom EVO从血液中分离基因组DNA。请点击此处浏览完整的工作流程。


可以。处理全血白细胞层时,可使用与获得此白细胞层样本的全血相同体积的试剂来处理样本。如果原始血液样本的体积超过10 mL,可能需要将样本分成多等份来处理。




纯化的片段大小介于100 bp与12 kb之间。我们的试剂盒附带两款缓冲液,结合缓冲液(B2)与结合缓冲液HC(B3)。结合缓冲液HC(B3)能够去除引物二聚体和小于300bp的扩增失败的短PCR产物。

与原试剂盒相比,微量试剂盒使用了相同的缓冲液(HC缓冲液除外),不同的纯化柱(微量)。试剂盒套装中包含了相同的离心柱,但多了一种用于凝胶中DNA提取的缓冲液,溶胶液(Gel Solubilization Buffer,L3)。

纯化的片段大小应介于100 bp与12 kb之间。

PureLink PCR纯化试剂盒与PureLink 凝胶纯化试剂盒两者间的缓冲液和操作步骤均不同。因此,您可以换用离心柱,但须注意使用正确的缓冲液和实验方案。


是的,您可以使用PureLink PCR快速纯化试剂盒从液体样本中纯化任何100bp至12kb的双链DNA。超螺旋DNA也能够被纯化,只是可能会出现一些切口。


有的,请参见 页面,来比较ChargeSwitch-Pro PCR纯化试剂盒与QIAquick PCR纯化试剂盒两者所纯化的扩增子的测序结果。


抱歉,我们不单独销售结晶紫。不过,TOPO XL试剂盒以及S.N.A.P.TM非紫外照射型凝胶纯化试剂盒(货号K200025)中均包含了本品。


40bp至10kb范围内的DNA片段均可通过PureLink 快速凝胶提取试剂盒进行纯化。不过,小于80bp的片段的回收率可能会降低50%乃至更多。对于单链DNA与RNA,下限为200nt。


常规和低熔点琼脂糖凝胶均适用。当凝胶浓度超过2%时,每100 mg 胶使用600 μL溶胶液进行溶解。

Specialized DNA Purification

Yes, the PureLink Microbiome DNA Purification Kit has been successfully used for isolation of microbial DNA from human, mouse, rat, horse, cow, dog, cat, and other types of stool/feces. Despite the fact that these samples are very different in terms of consistency, presence of miscellaneous food debris, composition of the microbial community, various inhibitors present, and other variables, the kit enabled fast and efficient isolation of substantial amounts of highly clean microbial DNA.

If fresh stool, body fluids, swabs, and other samples cannot be processed, freezing the samples at -20 degrees C or -80 degrees C is the best way to preserve them. We recommend keeping freeze/thaw cycles to a minimum. For many samples, storage at 4 degrees C for up to one week is also fine. Please note, use of commercially available DNA stabilizing reagents can negatively impact the downstream nucleic acid isolation, or make the workflow more challenging or lengthy.

We simplified the protocol for those scientists who are only interested in human DNA isolation from stool, as mammalian cells are easy to lyse and DNA isolation can be performed faster. Microbes have thicker cell membranes of a different composition, and are generally more difficult to lyse. Thus, separate protocols, with additional steps to ensure efficient disruption for isolation of microbial DNA, were developed.

Yes, when using microbial DNA protocol with PureLink Microbiome DNA Purification Kit, you will get both host and microbial DNA. The bulk of DNA in human stool is of microbial origin. Depending on the sample, we roughly estimate that approximately 10-20% of the total DNA isolated is host DNA while the remaining 80-90% is microbial DNA.

The PureLink Microbiome DNA Purification Kit was developed to be used with a wide range of sample types including stool, soil, urine, saliva, swabs, and other samples. In addition to testing bacterial samples, we have also tested fungi samples. Specialized beads in the kit efficiently break open cell walls and membranes with the help of heat and chemical lysis. This triple lysis approach works great for tough-to-lyse species such as fungi. Additionally, the stool-derived inhibitors are rapidly eliminated with a novel clean up buffer, resulting in DNA that is compatible with any type of downstream analysis.

Yes, the PureLink Microbiome DNA Purification Kit works for swabs samples. However this kit does not come with swabs. You will find some suggested swab part numbers that we have tested with this kit in swab protocol on the product page.

We tested 3 liquid versions of transport media: Amies, Stuart, and Cary Blair, with all three being compatible with the PureLink Microbiome DNA Purification kit.

For highly pure samples, both fluorometers (such as the Qubit Flourometric Fluorometer) and spectrophotometers (such as NanoDrop One Spectrophotometer) are successfully utilized and give very similar readings. However, when dealing with DNA or RNA samples that have high levels of contaminants, such as salts or protein, the Qubit Fluorometer provides a more accurate reading, as this instrument uses dyes that are very specific to the analyte of interest. We have seen some challenging microbiome and FFPE samples where the Qubit Fluorometer readings were up to 2 times lower compared to the NanoDrop spectrophotometer, which is overestimating DNA concentrations. More and more laboratories are use both instruments side by side, as they provide complimentary information: the Qubit fluorometer is more accurate and specific in terms of determining nucleic acid concentration, while the NanoDrop spectrophotometer provides a valuable information regarding the purity (ie., A260/280, A260/230).