

Launching CSR Platform with the corporate mission to make the world Healthier, Cleaner and Safer

致力于使世界“更健康,更清洁,更安全” 是赛默飞一贯秉承的企业使命。2021年,赛默飞中国企业社会责任团队依托公司在科学领域的领先优势,推出全新企业社会责任服务平台,每季度推出丰富的公益活动,为员工、客户伙伴及家人提供专业的志愿者服务机会,帮助我们的社区提升在健康生活、科学教育、清洁环境等各个领域的福祉。


In 2021, the Thermo Fisher China CSR team is launching a new CSR service platform, with the company's mission at the core, offering a wide range of quarterly philanthropic activities. We are committed to providing our employees, customer partners and their families with more opportunities to help improve the well-being of our communities in various areas such as healthy living, science education and clean environment.

By the end of 2021, Thermo Fisher CSR platform has completed 9 volunteer activities, total engaged about 300 volunteers, contributed 2,000 volunteer hours, and the social value [Per volunteer hour values 53.56 RMB] exceeded 107,000RMB.

如有任何问题请发邮件咨询赛默飞企业社会责任团队 julia.huang@thermofisher.com

If you have any questions, please email the Thermo Fisher Corporate Social Responsibility team: julia.huang@thermofisher.com