Isoforms matter. Can you afford to miss important insights?

The one-gene, one protein hypothesis was shortsighted.

One gene generates a variety of transcript isoforms – this is critical to biological insights.

GeneChip Human Transcriptome Array 2.0 (HTA 2.0) provides

  • Both the gene-level changes and alternative splicing events that give rise to transcript isoform diversity
  • The highest resolution expression analysis solution covering more than 285,000 coding and non-coding transcripts

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High-quality, high-resolution data

HTA 2.0 provides higher quality than
2 full lanes of sequencing

  • Higher accuracy
  • Higher precision

Accelerate your research

Accelerate discovery with a solution that generates the most comprehensive view of expression into relevant, actionable information in minutes.

Complete analysis solution

An easy-to-use and cost-free solution that quickly transforms data into discovery. Learn how easy Affymetrix has made expression analysis.