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Learn how to speed-up your experiments. There are no gels to pour, buffers to make, staining or destaining steps to perform, or gel boxes to assemble.
The Invitrogen E-Gel DNA ladders are formulated with chromatography-purified DNA fragments in ready-to-use loading buffer.
Learn how in less than 18 minutes, the agarose gel electrophoresis system has results you can capture with the built-in high-resolution camera.
Access valuable support for standard molecular biology techniques from our library of webinars, videos, articles, and more.
Utilize free online tools to help with primer analysis, reaction setup, biochemical conversions, and calculators.
Optimize your experiments. Our latest edition is improved with more technical tips, educational tools, and guidance to help you select the right molecular biology products.
Find an alternate to a discontinued molecular biology product.
Email or call our Technical Application Scientists for additional questions regarding molecular biology products.