For the rapid selective concentration of E.coli 0111. Method can be performed manually or can be automated by using a了解更多信息
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货号 71009
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For the rapid selective concentration of E.coli 0111. Method can be performed manually or can be automated by using a Thermo Scientific KingFisher mL Food Protection Purification System.
This Product Contains: Dynabeads coated with anti-E.coli 0111 antibodies
Sensitivity: Sensitivity is very high and enables detection of 1 viable organism in 25g of sample or as few as 100 organisms / ml after pre enrichment
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
数量2 mL
目标种属E. coli
适用于(设备)Dynabeads™ MPC™, KingFisher mL Food Protection Purification System