Electrochemical Detection for Liquid Chromatography

Sensitive, selective detection of oxidizable compounds

Nothing beats electrochemical detection for sensitive, selective measurement of compounds in complex matrices that undergo oxidation or reduction. They are ideal for neurotransmitters, pharmaceuticals, and wherever selectivity is needed for characterization of complex samples such as natural products, biological tissues and fluids. Use amperometric cells for high sensitivity and low sample volumes, and coulometric sensors to maximize both selectivity and sensitivity.

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When is electrochemical detection the detector of choice?

For today's researcher, there is a continuing need for detection of vanishingly small quantities of analyte, often in complex samples. Although fluorescence and UV detection can readily measure many compounds, liquid chromatography combined with electrochemical detection provides a more-sensitive and selective alternative, with the following additional benefits:

  • Direct measurement to femtogram levels
  • Very low sample volume requirement
  • Readily eliminates matrix interferences
  • Selectively detects analytes of interest

What electrochemical detectors are available?

The Dionex UltiMate 3000 Electrochemical Detector features next-generation coulometric and amperometric sensors with SmartChip™ technology for simple, near hands-off operation. The most reliable and simplest-to-use electrochemical detector available today, with unparalleled flexibility for your application, is obtained by selecting either the direct current (DC) or the pulsed amperometric (PAD) detection mode.

What applications benefit from ECD?

Using electrochemical detectors provides the following specific application benefits:  

  • High sensitivity in neurotransmitter analysis
  • Simplicity and robustness in pharmaceutical or clinical diagnostics
  • Selectivity in the characterization of complex samples such as natural products, biological tissues and fluids

The range of applications can extend to simple sugars in food and beverage samples using PAD with a gold working electrode.

What is SmartChip technology?

SmartChip technology is built into all electrochemical sensors for the ECD-3000RS detector. These next-generation sensors feature plug-and-play operation with automatic sensor recognition, event logging and electrode protection.

  • Automatic recognition – identifies installed sensor model type and defines data channels in Thermo Scientific Dionex Chromeleon chromatography data system software
  • Audit trail logging – records sensor diagnostics, making it ideal for GMP/GLP reporting
  • Integrated sensor protection – selects the allowable potential for the sensor and working electrode material
Electrochemical Detector – SmartChip technology

What is the Omni coulometric sensor?

The Omni Coulometric sensor for the UltiMate 3000 Electrochemical detector is a single, low volume, flow-through coulometric electrode. It is the only electrochemical sensor capable of operation under pre-column UHPLC pressures.  This versatile, multipurpose sensor provides the widest flexibility of any sensor and gives users access to electrochemical techniques beyond traditional chromatography.

Omni Coulometric Sensor Diagram

The use of dual in-line sensors results in improved resolution of complex mixtures.

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