
Reliable technologies to test for contamination and adulteration

Edible oils are among the most abundant cooking ingredients in the world. They are extracted from plants, seeds, nuts, and fruits. Depending on oil type, they are used in baking and frying food and for noncooking products such as salad dressing, margarine spreads, and dips.

We understand edible oils present analytical challenges due to their chemical complexity. Learn about our easy-to-use solutions to analyze oils for nutrition, contamination and composition, as well as adulteration and authenticity. 

AnalyteGuru Blog

Edible Oil Workflows: Compositional and Trace Contaminant Analysis

Edible oils are among the most abundant cooking ingredients in the world. They are used in baking and frying and for products such as salad dressing, margarine spreads, and dips. They are also used to produce nonfood products such as cosmetics and feedstock for making biodiesel fuel.

Adulteration Testing of Edible Oils by FT-NIR

Learn now near-infrared analysis can be used to: ensure edible oil quality at material reception; reduce costs with rapid analysis that replaces time-consuming wet chemistry techniques; guarantee final products meet specification before shipment.

Atomic Absorption Full Method - Ca and Mg in a Variety of Food Oils

This application note presents a straightforward system for the analysis of calcium and magnesium in a variety of food oils. Calcium and magnesium are determined directly in a variety of food oils using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry.

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Resource Number
Application NoteA GC-FID Method for the Comparison of Acid- and Base-Catalyzed Derivatization of Fatty Acids to FAMEs in Three Edible OilsGC & GC-MSAN20733
Application NoteAtomic Absorption Full Method - Ca and Mg in a Variety of Food OilsAtomic AbsorptionAN40885
Application NoteTrace Determination of Organo-Phosphorous Pesticides in Olive Oil by GC Analysis through PTV Backflush / FPDGC & GC-MSAN10049
Application NoteTandem GC/MS Analysis of Pesticides in Food Oils by Large Volume Injection with a Back-flush OptionGC & GC-MSAN10128
Application NoteCharacterization of Essential Oils by Gas Chromatography in One MinuteGC & GC-MSAN10024
Application NoteExtraction of Oil Content from Oilseeds by Accelerated Solvent ExtractionSolid Phase ExtractionAN325
Application NoteDetermination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Edible Oils by Donor-Acceptor Complex Chromatography (DACC)-HPLC with Fluorescence DetectionHPLCAN196
Application NoteImproved Determination of Antioxidants in Edible Oils Using Solid Core LC ColumnsHPLCAN20978
Application NoteSimultaneous Analysis of Glycerides (Mono-, Di-, and Triglycerides) and Free Fatty Acids in Palm OilHPLCAN1039
Application NoteTwo-Dimensional HPLC Combined with On-Line SPE for Determination of Sudan Dyes I–IV in Chili OilHPLCAN287
Application NoteComparative Analysis of Cooking Oils Using a Solid Core HPLC ColumnHPLCAN20663
Application NoteElemental Analysis of Canola OilTrace Elemental AnalysisAN40876
Application NoteDetermination of PAH4 in Edible Oils with Automated Sample PreparationHPLCAN74052
BrochureEdible Oil Workflows - Compositional and Trace Contaminant AnalysisGC & GC-MSBR70701
PosterCharacterization and Identification of Essential Oil Components by GC-MSGC & GC-MSLPN2060
PosterQuantitation of Underivatized Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids in Foods by HPLC and Charged Aerosol DetectionHPLCLPN2931
PosterDetermination of Olive Oil Adulteration by Principal Component Analysis with HPLC–Charged Aerosol Detector DataHPLCPN70689
PosterAnalysis of Phospholipids in Natural Samples by Normal-Phase HPLC and Charged Aerosol DetectionHPLCPN71006
PosterAnalysis of Emulsifiers in Foods by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography and Charged Aerosol DetectionHPLCPN70995
PosterNew Streamline Software for Screening to Determine 250 Pesticides in Orange Oil by LC-MS/MSLC-MSPOS_IMSC09_W454
PosterCharacterization of Used Cooking Oils by HPLC-MS and Corona Charged Aerosol DetectionLC-MSPN70536
WebinarAdulteration Testing of Edible Oils by FT-NIR  

